The complexity of high fidelity cables
January 25, 2025How does the ham sound?
Absurd question, perhaps … or not
I’ll tell you a short story of ordinary everyday life
Bill and Frank, lifelong friends, meet after a long time and decide to have dinner together:
Frank: “Oh, that’s good ‘ham, Bill!”
Bill: “Well, ham …. It’s a first-rate Pata Negra ! Manuel brings it to me, a dear friend who lives in Andalusia, Spain, he gets it directly from a local producer, I love it.”
Frank: “In fact it is the best I have ever tasted ! And then this wine enhances it to perfection … a truly excellent combination, thank you for introducing me to it !”
Bill: “It’s a pleasure my friend ! I was sure that it would win you over, after all we are really at the top here ! If you try it …. you can’t do without it anymore.”
The story ends like this, with two glasses of Dolcetto d’Alba and a smile, simple, genuine, normal story.
Now I propose a different version, same ham, but …
Bill: “Frank, taste this ham: it’s a first-rate Pata Negra ! Manuel brings it to me, a dear friend who lives in Andalusia, Spain, he gets it directly from a local producer, I love it.”
Frank: “Come on, hams are all the same, ….. ham is ham !”
Bill: “You’re kidding, right ?”
Frank: “No, why would I be?”
Bill: “But have you tasted it ? Try it, it’s delicious !”
Frank: “No Bill, I haven’t tasted it, why should I ? Be reasonable: ham comes from pork … pork is pork, ham is ham, simple no ?”
Bill: “I can’t believe you think that way … let’s do one thing: taste Manuel’s Pata Negra, then we’ll go down and get another ham from the store around the corner, and you’ll immediately realize the abyss that separates them !”
Frank: “And why on earth should I waste my time, and my money, to make useless tests, when I know perfectly well that there is no difference ? I repeat, ham is ham, and anyone who spends so much money for Pata Nera is only a fool !”
Bill: “…. Negra, Pata NEGRA”
Frank: “Whatever, it’s the same, it’s always ham … and then sorry, how can you be absolutely sure that the difference you feel is real ? Is there scientific feedback, evidence, …. in short something objective and indisputable ?”
Bill: “I don’t think I understand you …”
Frank: “Come on Bill, you’re not going to tell me that you only trust your palate, are you ?”
Bill: “Sure, it’s obvious, what else would I need?”
Frank: “Please, my friend ! Our senses have been known to deceive us: you need a method, at the very least a blind test. You are too swayable, I certainly can’t trust your palate.”
Bill: “Of mine maybe not, but of yours you could, after all it is enough to taste.”
Frank: “Eh no, Bill, theory is on my side, and then come on, at these prices …. I am not a chicken to be plucked !!!”
Bill: “Whatever my friend, whatever … but you really don’t know what you’re missing, and you’re precluding yourself from this because of a silly prejudice. I really hope you can change your mind,
Frank: “Ha ha, I don’t think so !”
Bill: “Well, I remain optimistic. And in the meantime, I’ll enjoy my superfine Pata Negra with an excellent Dolcetto d’Alba !”