Apotema Audio
the straight line between you and music

Music is the soundtrack of our lives, and as such should be listened to in the best possible way, savouring deep down all the pleasure it can give us.

We imagine and realize

Handcrafted products devoted to the realization of a dream: to totally engage the listener by bringing him or her to the very center of the musical event. Each of our products is designed and optimized precisely to achieve, from its own unique perspective, this common goal. Starting with the maniacal care of the power supply, passing through innovative and high-performance circuit solutions, and counting on the best components

The world of Apotema

Power amplifiers, headphone amplifiers, power distributors, mains filters. All designed to achieve a single goal: enhancing the pleasure of pure, uncontaminated music listening

Many different genres

A unique listening experience


Every genre of music has its own peculiarities, taking and recording techniques blend with the expressiveness of the artists.

A high-end class audio system must always provide us with flawless reproduction, but above all, 

it must excite us


You demand the utmost accuracy and don't want to miss even the smallest detail captured during recording ...


Do you want to hear every nuance that characterizes the best interpretations of the artists you love ...


You like to be enveloped in the warm sounds and refined atmospheres of jazz and blues ...


… or prefer to be swept away by the mighty, irresistible energy of a rock concert.

For you who wish all the colors of music

The infinite nuances of voices and instruments deserve as much care as possible, as do the micro ambient information so vital to correctly reconstructing the three-dimensional image and making its reproduction credible.

Very important details that must be preserved at every single step in their journey from the sources to the speakers.

The difference between a simply good reproduction and a truly realistic one is all here, and you discover it when you can close your eyes and stretch out your arms with the illusion that you can touch the musicians and their instruments with your fingers. 

Details that lead you to the listening you want, always realistic, engaging and exciting.

Munich 2025

Apotema Audio, HiFi Deluxe, Marriott Hotel, May 16/17/18 2025